Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Update on life and Spring semester

Wow, it's been a while.
How to sum up those last few months?
I was feeling really depressed and stuck in my recovery when I last posted. But after a while, things started getting better. I met a wonderful group of friends that showed me how to have fun. I wasn't always depressed. It was actually... enjoyable? That, and I went on an anti-depressant - best decision EVER!

Seriously, I'm feeling so much happier now. I'm enthusiastic about things, I'm bouncy, I enjoy spending time with people...

Oh, and big advent in my life: I'm taking the semester off. Yup, after much deliberation, I decided I needed to focus on my health right now. I realized that I wanted to enjoy college, to take advantage of it, instead of taking the minimum course load and spending my life in my therapist's office. Yeah, wouldn't that me a pleasant memory of college?

So I've started treatment, and it's going well, other than one girl in treatment who is extremely triggering. She doesn't want to recover, she switches out her foods for lower calorie ones, and she is so so so incredibly negative. She's just really mentally messed up. Not that I blame her, but she should be in a much more intensive program.

So yeah, little update on my life. I'm going to try to be a bit more consistent in my posting, because three month gaps just don't cut it.